Sunday, March 27, 2011

"All glory comes from daring to begin." — Eugene F. Ware

This blog was conceived from the notion that I might actually have something interesting to say about food. While I've been intrigued by the idea of writing a blog for some time, the sense that I should actually do it came from other people. During the unpleasantly hazy summer of 2010, my cousin Laura, obviously aware of my penchant for snack foods, brought me some potato chips from England that came in an unusual assortment of flavours. These flavours were so unusual, in fact, that I thought “This is too strange to keep to myself! I have to tell people about these!” And so “Bizarre Potato Chip Flavour of the Day” was born on Facebook. To be honest, I had no idea how people would respond to these status updates about weird British potato chips that tasted like everything from spaghetti Bolognese to roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. The response was overwhelming! Aside from the occasional words of concern for my health, people seemed to really enjoy these updates. And a handful of people intimated that I should start a blog. And so, as I put on my proverbial wax wings, I thank those of you who suggested it. I appreciate the encouragement. And I hold you completely responsible if this doesn’t work out.  :o)
I’m a fan of snacks. Although some people (who are clearly in denial) will tell you that snacks are a bridge between meals, or a quick energy boost, I submit that snacks are simply something fun for us to eat. To me, trying to suggest otherwise is like trying to suggest that rollercoasters are a great means of transportation. In fact, snacks and rollercoasters are a lot alike — neither does anything truly constructive to or for you, but both leave you feeling giddy and energetic. Unless you’ve had too much, in which case you could wind up feeling rather nauseated and dizzy. But hey — all things in moderation, right?
So my purpose here is to talk about snacks — well-known and not so well-known, in solid form, liquid form, and all creamy and gelatinous points in between.  There will even be occasional suggestions about how to snack sensibly, but the majority of the things I talk about will be mostly bad for you. I may, on occasion, digress to comments about real food if I feel strongly enough about something. I don’t claim to be an expert of any kind — I just know what I like, and I have definite opinions about things. My hope is for these entries to inspire dialogue — and maybe even debate! — about the topic at hand, or simply share information about some interesting snacks that you were hesitant about trying, or never knew existed in the first place. So, please, by all means — share your thoughts and speak your mind!